Saturday, 11 April 2015

Commission from a 3-year old :)

This is a little boy asking me to paint him a poster of his favourite superheroes:

"Nel? Can I please have Batman and WonderWoman and Hulk and Superman and Batman. And Spider-man. Thanks Nel"

Preliminary sketch:

Toying with the idea of the superheroes taking a selfie. I have WonderWoman at the top in the middle as an overseeing figure, with Hulk in top left, Superman and Spider-man flanking little Finn, and Batman taking the photo on the right. 

First composition

After I found the photo of Finn sitting on dad's shoulders I changed the composition and decided to make Finn's dad Hulk. It naturally follows that his mom is WonderWoman, but clearly I hadn't found the right positioning for her yet. I still like Spider-man and Superman flanking the boy, as they are the most well-known heroes with the brighter colours.